Disinfect with UVC light

A highly effective way of rendering micro-organisms harmless

Disinfect with UVC light

What is UVC light

UVC light is radiation with a short wavelength between 200 and 280 nanometers. This light is harmful to humans because it destroys skin cells. Fortunately, natural UVC light is completely blocked by our atmosphere. UVC light is very suitable for microbiological disinfection and is also a very clean technology.

UVC disinfection

UVC light is capable of disinfecting water, air and surfaces. It makes microorganisms harmless in a very effective way, without the use of chemicals. The smell, color and taste do not change, as does the water composition itself. It's actually very simple: micro-organisms are 'killed', even micro-organisms that are resistant to chlorine, antibiotics, or organic biocides.

“UVC light is capable of disinfecting water, air and surfaces. It makes microorganisms harmless in a very effective way, without the use of chemicals.”

How does UVC disinfection work?

Microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi naturally absorb UVC light. But when UVC light enters the cell of a microorganism, it breaks the DNA connections in the cell. This molecular change renders the DNA useless for the essential process of transcription (metabolism) and replication (cell division). This renders the microorganism harmless and thus causes it to die.

The benefits of UVC disinfection

The UVC technique is over 100 years old and has already proven its effectiveness against water-borne and air-borne pathogenic microorganisms such as those that cause diseases such as Cholera, Hepatitis, Polio, Typhus, Giardia, Cryptosporidium and many other bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases.

  • Microorganisms can no resistance build against UVC light.
  • Have UVC installations low purchase and installation costs and are easy to maintain.
  • UVC technology is environmentally friendly and leaves no residue.
  • UVC light is not harmful to the environment. It only affects the microorganism's DNA and has no effect on other properties.
  • UVC radiation works immediately and the space is available again immediately.
  • UVC disinfection is a physical process. So there are no chemicals used. Taste, color, and smell of the medium (the carrier, such as liquids or surfaces) remain unaffected.
  • The effect of UVC disinfection is related to the UV dose (the product of the intensity and exposure time to the micro-organism). Efficiency can easily be measured when the system is validated.

Our solutions for disinfection with UVC light


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