How do we get started with our dedusting works?

Your Valorist will mainly focus on the bints in industrial halls, cable ducts, electrical cabinets, lighting fixtures and the sprinkler system. Industrial vacuum cleaners are used for this and, if necessary, also a slightly damp microfiber cloth to clean everything.

Other eligible areas include:

• false floors in server rooms,
• crawling cellars
• and GIS installations from power suppliers.

Of course, we always work safely. That is why we use an aerial work platform. Every Valorist is also VCA certified.

Healthier work environment thanks to dedusting works

A healthy work environment is very important. It is therefore essential to maintain air quality. There are various ways in which this can be done, including making the work environment dust-free. Dust seems harmless, but it isn't. In the long term, daily exposure can lead to various complaints. Good examples include respiratory complaints, allergic reactions, lung disorders, irritation of mucous membranes and worsening of the symptoms of various respiratory diseases. This leads to more sick employees and more absenteeism. A dust-free work environment prevents these problems and contributes to healthier employees.

Thorough dedusting works

Dust can accumulate in various areas, including hard-to-reach areas. Moreover, dust is not always visible, even though it can still cause problems. Thanks to our work, you can be sure that the work environment has been made dust-free. This also involves tackling other types of dirt, such as lime or fungi. Moreover, this is an investment that pays for itself. Dust causes machines to work less efficiently and consume more energy. A dust-free environment saves energy.

Smoother production process

Dust has a greater impact on the production process than you might expect. The whole thing runs less smoothly, especially when dust has accumulated. This reduces productivity and has a negative effect on operating results. In extreme cases, it can even lead to dangerous situations. Machines can break down and failures occur more often. That's why you let our Valorists dedust your work environment. This ensures a safe work situation and improved air quality.


Of course, we always work safely. That is why we use an aerial work platform. Every Valorist is also VCA certified.

Valor Services Group also has telescopic vacuum systems, where you can work from the ground up to 10 meters high and monitor cleaning at height via a camera. This way, we can work more safely and there is no inconvenience from aerial work platforms.

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